Happiness and Misadventures


In the last two months, I've been reading a lot about British Folklore. It started on Christmas Day, when my girlfriend gifted me a huge book from the 1970s which contains... well, everything about folklore1, myths and legends in the British isles. I'm not reading it — I'm studying it while taking notes on a notebook, it's amazing!

In the following weeks my Folklore collection has been made even more precious by other gems:

I have literally hundreds of page to read! I'm deeply intrigued by Celtic beliefs... but mostly, from the pre-Celtic tribes who used to lived in Britain before the invasion. From what I understood, it was them who had some kind of relationship with fairies the little people.

I already have a couple of ideas in my head, but now inspiration and time are missing — there's so much else to do.

I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead

Gosh, I love Mogwai so much. You should really take a listen to their new album. Currently I'm obsessed with Ceiling Granny's riffs.

I'm so happy for them — this record is #1 in UK charts! It means a lot for a post-rock band, many musicians are excited — even unexpected ones:

Obviously, when great musical joy comes from one side... huge musical losses occur, too. Damn, Daft Punk. You can't play with a person's feelings like this. I am one of the few people who watched Electroma until the end. No skipping. No fast forward.

It was almost ten years ago... I remember it as it was yesterday, sitting in front of my old computer, in a mood not unsimilar of the actual one. The psychological effect of the pandemic and the "soft" lockdowns aren't really helping. Ten years ago the reasons were different, though.


Last big news of this last two months is that we're gonna moving to the country. In 2020 (maybe not the best year to make important decisions, but whatever) we decided to buy a 200 years-old country house, here in Italy. We think it's an unpopular decision, but we're excited about the slow living on a hill, with a beautiful view from the windows.

There will be a lot of renovation to do, so maybe this will become a working progress blog. Or a diary from a haunted mansion, who knows.

  1. Yes, even this post title is a music reference. Thank you, Taylor Swift.

#folklore #music #renovation